This is an AU based on the third-season episode entitled, "Kidnapped In Space."



            Smith seriously regretted having tampered with the alien time-warping gadget. Finding himself suddenly a nine-year-old had alarmed and depressed him greatly.

            He moped on the upper deck of the Jupiter II, as the ship continued its journey through space.

            "Smith, come here." West beckoned to him from where he and Robinson sat in the two pilot seats.

            Reluctantly, the child-man obeyed. "Yes, Major? What is it?"

            "In regard to your new condition," West informed him, "I have good news and bad news. Which do you want first?"

            "Please, spare me the theatrics."

            West ignored the caustic comment. "The good news is that it is highly unlikely that John and I will ever again threaten to beat you up."

            "Yes," Robinson agreed. "We don't beat up children. Your young, immature body couldn't take it."

            "Well, that is good news. Thank you."

            "The bad news," West went on, "is that from now on, whenever you cause trouble, I am going to spank you soundly, as is appropriate to your new age. And on this, I don't think John will stop me."

            "Taking advantage of my helpless, diminutive stature, are you, Major? Just as you used to take advantage of my weakened, aged self. But it just goes to prove what I have said all along: that you are cold and cruel!'" Smith stormed at him.

            "Then I'm cold and cruel, too," Robinson remarked, "because I will not only not stop Don; I'm as likely to spank you as he is."

            "Oh, Professor, you wouldn't!" Smith cried.

            "Now I don't know why you say that, Smith." Robinson was perplexed. "After all, I'm a father. You should be able to imagine that I have certainly delivered my share of spankings in my time."

            Automatically, Smith turned to where Will had been leaning against the astrogator throughout the exchange. He didn't need to voice the question.

            Will looked mildly uncomfortable. "Uh, that's true, Dr. Smith."

            "All three of you?!" Smith asked in disbelief.

            "All three of us," Will confirmed, not meeting anyone's eyes.

            Smith backed away shyly from Robinson and West. "But, I've never been spanked."

            "Never?!" Robinson was incredulous. "In your entire first childhood, not once??"

            West concluded, "That explains a lot. Now we know what's wrong with you. No one ever made you behave."

            Smith gulped in discomfort, but then clearly had another thought. "But Professor," Smith asked, and turned back to him in amazement, "your children are perfect lambs! They never do anything wrong!"

            "And that's why," Robinson explained easily. "I was strict with them. And this time around, you're going to be raised right, too."

            Abruptly, Smith's expression went from horrified and offended, to intrigued and wistful. He went closer. "Professor, to borrow the Major's words, may I have another good news-bad news from you?"

            "And what would that be?"

            "If the bad news must be that I must suffer spankings occasionally, as if I were your child, then can the good news be that I could be treated like your child the rest of the time as well? I only did most of those bad things because I wanted attention. I want love. Could you and Mrs. Robinson adopt me? Oh, I don't mean legally; there's no way to manage anything official. But could you just treat me as if I were one of your own? Please?"

            Throughout Smith's request, Robinson's eyebrows rose steadily. At its conclusion, he stated gently, "I think that's a fine idea, Smith. I'm flattered. And I know Maureen will be, too."

            "Thank you. And could you please call me Zachary from now on?"

            "Yes, of course. I'm sorry; I should have thought of that."

            "And you, too, Major. I mean, Don."

            The latter nodded thoughtfully.

            "And Will." Smith turned to him warmly. "I will love having you for a brother."

            Will went over and laid a hand on his shoulder. "I've always wanted a brother. And I'll be glad for it to be you."

            "In fact, you'll be my big brother," Smith observed whimsically.

            "Well, that's appropriate," West quipped. "Will always has looked after you, more than the other way around, even when you were old." He grinned.

            Momentarily, Smith's personality slipped back into its former pattern. "Have a care, Major!" But his outburst was followed immediately by "Oops, I'm sorry. I remember now, I must not talk to you that way anymore, Don."

            West was pleased. "You're forgiven."

            Robinson nodded pleasantly. "Very good, Zachary. While I'm sure that, sooner or later, you'll get some spankings from Don and me, you'll also get a lot of love. From all of us."

            Smith went close and slipped a small hand into that of Robinson and smiled. "I think I'm going to like this."